
Ballon fun!

Balloon fun! I would stand gaping to go! It has to be very fun.
Imagine how you might spend it of or here inside, in full winter we could be to in the water without getting wet! Very fun, very fun!

Well, I go, I expect that you like it. :D

Kisses XXX


GREASE, the best film for years!

If you like the musicals, people have to see, it’s incredible.
It’s about a couple of teenagers that they find a summer and they fall in love. When they start the school again, they’re met to her and there its where started the problems.
Transpired from everything, Grease will be the best film with many years, even though the wardrobe and many of the scenes are a little passed in fashion!

Best wishes!


Justin Timberlake :D

Hi people!

Today I will speak about Justin Timberlake.
The article about his is brilliant, and I like it a lot. I believe that Justin is very good singer and a famous actor, besides he's very good-looking. He was singing with the NSYNC, olny on being a song, but it was quite well.
From well small he has already liked it he sets to music it, and now if he devotes. Thi if that he is well!

Well, I leave to you here a videoclip of him, to see if you like it!
Justin Timberlake - Losing my way:

Bye, bye


Me and my magazine :)

Hello! ^^

My name is Júlia and I open this blog for the magazine we are reading in class: I love English. Here, you can see comments of the articles for de magazine and something like this.I hope that you like it!

Best wishes!